Thursday, February 18, 2016

Learning Styles

If you’ve ever faced the frustration of trying to teach one of your children something and they just don’t seem to “get it”, it might be because you have not discovered their unique learning style. So how do you find out your child’s learning style? It is really quite simple, simply observe your child. Take notes if you have to and compare all your observations with the following information.

Auditory Learner
An auditory learner remembers things that they hear. Your child might be an auditory learner if:
·         Child repeats things out loud to self.
·         Child easily joins conversations that are in the same room even if they were not a part of the conversation.
·         Child remembers words of songs easily.
·         Child talks to books when reading and movies when watching.
·         Child understands instructions better after they have been read out loud.

Tactile Learner
A tactile learner remembers things that they can touch or feel. Your child might be a tactile learner if:
·         Child constantly has some part of their body moving.
·         Child finds it hard to sit still.
·         Child enjoys a lot of physical activity.
·         Child likes to touch and feel things.
·         Child is really good at tinkering and fixing things.

Visual Learner
A visual learner remembers things that they see. Your child might be a visual learner if:
·         Child remembers things better when they have seen them written down.
·         Child is really good at reading maps and charts.
·         Child understands instructions better when they can read them to self.
·         Child likes a lot of color and design.
·         Child can easily recall what they have seen.

It is important to know that each of us use a little of each learning style, but there is usually a dominant style that can be easily detected. When a child’s dominant learning style is known, they can learn the best way to approach a subject to help them learn and remember the material. Also, as a home school parent, you can learn how to teach in a manner that they can understand better.

Tips for Auditory Learners
·         Record classroom lectures.
·         Review vocabulary words by reading their definitions aloud.
·         Verbalize things you want to remember.
·         Read aloud whenever possible.
·         Study with a friend so you can discuss and hear the information.
·         Use familiar songs to help you memorize details by substituting the original words.
·         Ask your teacher to repeat something when you don’t understand it.

Tips for Tactile Learners
·         Write vocabulary words on an index card and walk around while reciting them.
·         Try to act out words or events with simple gestures that will aid your recall.
·         Use a highlighter for main ideas in your textbook to allow your hand to keep moving.
·         Try studying in different positions, and change positions frequently.
·         Take frequent, short breaks and do something that involves light activity.
·         Try writing key terms with your finger in the air, on a smooth surface or in the carpet.
·         Whenever possible, “do” your assignments, experiments and projects in an active way.

Tips for Visual Learners
·         Use a highlighter for main ideas and important facts in your textbook or notes.
·         Preview a chapter before reading it by looking at the titles, introductions, subtopics, key terms and conclusion/summary.
·         Pay attention to graphs, pictures and charts.
·         When listening to a lecture, always look at the speaker.
·         Sit close to the front of the classroom with a clear view of the teacher and the board.
·         Use graphic note-taking methods such as mapping or time lines.
·         Use flashcards to help you isolate and mentally “see” facts and their order.

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