Thursday, March 3, 2022 - Crew Review


Disclaimer: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.

I am so excited to share that has added new items to the Ultimate Membership! offers Christian, self-paced, online homeschool courses for Preschool through High School. has taken the work out of planning your high school homeschool curriculum! Whether you are a brand new homeschooler wondering where to start, a veteran homeschool mom wanting to lighten your planning load, or somewhere in between, combine the virtual 9th-12th Grade Homeschool Curriculum Box with electives of your teen’s choice for an inspiring year of learning.

What’s in the curriculum box?

·         A curriculum guide for each subject that correlates objectives with the Scope and Sequence.

·         Weekly checklists to keep you on track.

·         Daily checklists that guide you—and your student—through each activity.

·         Direct links to the courses and resources you need by the week.

·         All the additional suggested materials for the year listed in one place, like art supplies and notepaper.

·         Links to additional resources for those days you want to spend more time on a topic your kids love.

What will my child learn in the Tenth Grade Curriculum Guide?

·         Math: Algebra 2 includes scientific notation, radical expressions, polynomials, coordinate systems and linear equations, inequalities, rates of change, logarithmic functions and properties, ellipse, parabola, arithmetic theorem.

·         Literature: World Literature and Cultures explores themes in literature from classical to modern times through short stories, poetry, biographies, plays, and several novels.

·         Writing/Composition: The Writing Life: Learning to Write Well teaches students to write fiction, nonfiction, and poetry in various contexts such as essays, newspaper articles, magazine articles, roles of research, and devotions.

·         Spelling: lists derived from scripture, literature, and famous speeches.

·         Science: Biology includes working with microscopes and slides, cellular respiration, viruses, proteins, genetics, ecosystems, refuting evolution, dissection, studies of kingdom, phylum and classes.

·         History – Traditional: World History includes Ancient Rome, the Middle Ages, Vikings, the Crusades, the Renaissance, Russian empires, World War I, World War II.

·         History – Classical: Medieval to the Renaissance: High School History studies the areas of medieval Europe, Byzantine Empire, China’s dynasties, medieval Spain, Vikings, the Renaissance, and prominent historical figures of the time period.

·         Music: Music Throughout History studies artists and pieces from the medieval period to modern times, composing your own music.

·         Art: elements of design; creating art by following examples and instruction.

It’s time for the 2022 Virtual Science Fair at If you have a budding scientist in the house, we want to know what your child discovered this school year! Entries may include science research projects or exhibits. Award certificates will be presented for first, second, and third places in each category. Student submissions are being accepted from February 1 through March 11, 2022.

Membership to provides your family access to hundreds of streaming videos from providers including, Drive Thru History, Vision Video, Discovery House, Boat Angel, City on a Hill Productions, RightNow Media, and more. These videos are parts of many courses on our site (you can see a table with a breakdown of which classes have video here), but we’ve heard from many of you that you’d like the videos all rounded up in one spot so you can watch a video just for fun! That’s what this page is. This is a library of the video titles we have available on our site. If you want to use these videos as part of a class, be sure to check the course pages for additional worksheets, activities, and materials. If you just want to watch some great programs, start scrolling and watching!

One membership to serves the entire family. There are no per-child fees and no textbooks required. Best of all, there are no limits to the number of courses or tools you can use!

Visit the Crew Blog to read more reviews from the Homeschool Review Crew.

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