Sunday, September 10, 2017

September Summit

You are invited to attend the September Summit on September 30, 2017 at Mid-Way Baptist Church, 4512 Ellis Drive, Kountze, TX 77625. The four sessions of the September Summit are faith, friendships, food, and fun. These four f’s are the ingredients for a happy homeschool mom.

FAITH – A short time of reviewing what God has to say about issues closets to a mother’s heart can do wonders to fill up an exhausted mom. Susan Reed, a homeschool mother of three, shares how you can have joy in the journey with your priorities in place.

FRIENDSHIPS – Friendships strengthen us to be better wives and mothers. As any mom can attest, we tend to get so focused on others that we neglect ourselves; and that’s not good for anyone. We need to be with other homeschool moms – for that occasional grown-up conversation. A time to encourage one another and learn from each other’s challenges. During this session, conversation prompts will set in motion the “gift of gab”.

FOOD – There’s something about a get-together with food that nourishes a mother’s heart as well as her body. A luncheon will be served with chicken Caesar salad, bread, brownie, and iced tea.

FUN – Fun is the final, and in my opinion the most important session. Proverbs 17:22 says, “a merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.” The Bible seems to suggest that laughter is a good antidote for the blues. That’s why I take fun so seriously. Therefore, a good game is a critical component for a successful September Summit.

09:00 – Check-In & Summit Shoppe
09:30 – FAITH
11:30 – FOOD & Summit Shoppe
12:30 – FUN
01:30 – Door Prizes – you must be present to win!

REGISTER by September 24, 2017 to attend the September Summit and join moms like you to celebrate the homeschool journey together! We do not offer refunds, just as you had purchased a ticket for a concert or sporting event. However, you may transfer your registration to one other person. If you wish to transfer your registration to another person, please email with the transferee name and contact information.


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