Monday, December 17, 2018

Teaching Our Children to be Cheerful Receivers

Christmas will soon be here and as much as our family enjoys the blessings of giving, it is not always easy being a cheerful receiver. Sometimes we receive gifts that we do not like or gifts that we will never use; but this should not stop us from being a cheerful receiver. If your children need help learning to be a cheerful receiver, I would like to encourage you to gather up some unusual Christmas gifts like an ugly sweater, a used book, a bar of soap, etc. - just be sure each child has a gift to unwrap. Use these gifts to teach invaluable lessons on being a cheerful receiver.

Children may not always understand why a gift was given, so we need to encourage them to be thankful and teach them how to be a cheerful receiver. What good is an ugly sweater? Well, this will really keep one warm on a chilly winter night. What good is a used book? Maybe the gift was given from someone who read it cover to cover and wished to pass on their love for reading with their favorite, autographed book - never judge a book by its cover - or maybe its a book out of print with special meaning. What good is a bar of soap? Perhaps its a homemade bar of soap, talk about the labor of love put in to making that bar of soap.

It may not always be easy to be a cheerful receiver; but there is always something positive we can say about the gifts we receive. As parents, we need to be a cheerful receiver too. When it comes to teaching our children, much more is caught than taught. We cannot expect our children to rise above our example.

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