Sunday, June 24, 2018

Make Writing Fun!

Regardless of the age of your child, writing can be fun with these activities.

1. Create a Family Newsletter.

Invite your child to create a newsletter that has one or more short articles about family events. The newsletter can be as simple as one page written in pencil or as elaborate as something done on a computer, complete with fonts and art. Then have the child send the newsletter to a family members.

2. Break the Code.

Help your child make a code breaker. Use a pen to draw a wheel pattern. Write the letters of the alphabet in sequential order in the spaces on the outer edge of the wheel and the corresponding numbers on the inner wheel.


Write your child a secret message in code on a separate piece of paper; that is, substitute the corresponding number for each letter. Then have your child decode the secret message by using the code breaker.

3. Guess the Object.

Place an object inside a bag or box. Invite your child to write questions about the object in effort to discover its identity. Pointing out the capital letter at the beginning of each sentence and the question mark at the end, before answering them. A maximum of ten questions can be asked before the object is revealed; however, at any time during the question and answer exchange, your child can try to guess the object. If your child correctly identifies the object, a new object is placed in the bag or box and play is continued.
Happy Homeschooling!

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