Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Twelve Tips to Raise a Reader

We read A LOT in our house and I'm frequently asked "How do you nurture a love for reading?" So today I share with you my twelve tips to raise a reader.

1. Read to your child. I read to my girls every night. We are currently reading through The Mandie Collection by Lois Gladys Leppard and each night I read one chapter aloud (sometimes two).

2. Be a reader. Kids model what they see, so if you want your kids to read books, you have to read books.

3. Make reading the easy choice. If the tv remote and the tablet are handy but books are on a high shelf, what is the likelihood that your kids are going to read? None. But if the tablet and remote are kept high while the books are easily accessible, they are going to head to the books when they have nothing better to do.

4. Have a library routine. My oldest daughter volunteers every week at the local library and so we have a set day and time. Not only does a library routine make library fines a thing of the past, but having a library schedule will encourage your kids to see books as a treat (sometimes movies too).

5. Ask questions. Stop before the end of the story and ask what she thinks will happen next. Get her thinking about the story.

6. Listen to audio books in the car. The benefits of audiobooks are not quite the same as reading a good book, but it's still better than nothing, especially when your stuck traveling for hours at a time in the car.

7. Make sure your child has books at her level. Books that are too easy might be boring, and books that are too hard will be frustrating.

8. Be a good listener. Ask your child to read aloud to you. She may be reluctant at first, but with a little encouragement, she might come around and enjoy it. Make sure you're giving her your full attention.

9. Subscribe to magazines she likes. My girls love American Girl magazines. When they come in the mail, my girls pore over each and every page. Find the magazines that interest your kids and get them delivered in the mail. Everybody loves getting mail!

10. Start a family library. Just buy one or two books at a time until you have a collection.

11. Offer a reading challenge. If your child needs an incentive to read, offer a reading challenge - read 100 books for a chance to go to the Disney Store and get a special toy.

12. Relax! If your child doesn't love to read, don't make a big issue out of it. If she doesn't like reading, continue to provide good books and magazines for her, read to her, and do the other things on the list. Be patient, and maybe, she will come to love reading.

Happy Reading!

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