Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Learn to Read with Reading Eggs


Reading Eggs provides a comprehensive online reading program that fits seamlessly into your homeschool program. Whether you’re a seasoned homeschooler or deciding whether or not to start, Reading Eggs is the perfect solution for home learning.

The comprehensive online reading curriculum is based on solid scientific research, with personalized, one-on-one lessons that match your child’s ability. Best of all, the program makes learning to read fun and highly motivating for young children, with colorful animations, interactive activities, and exciting rewards.

Why choose the Reading Eggs program?

Reading Eggs was developed by a team of elementary educators. The program has been used to teach children how to read at home for over 10 years and has received multiple awards and endorsements from leading homeschool associations.

Suitable for children ages 2-13, Reading Eggs covers the five essential components of reading success: phonics, phonetic awareness, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.

Placement test matches each child to the perfect level.

The self-paced lessons in Reading Eggs are carefully paced to make sure your child makes good progress. Children complete a placement test at the start of the program, which accurately matches them to the perfect level. There are regular assessment tests to help children retain what they have learned, as well as detailed progress reports that show you exactly how they’re improving.

A comprehensive family dashboard lets you view each of your children’s learning progress, including how many lessons they’ve completed, books they’ve read, their estimated reading age, and quiz scores. Parents also get emailed in-depth reports each time a child has completed a map.

Fun and engaging content that children actually enjoy.

The reason why Reading Eggs has become a tremendous hit for homeschoolers is because it makes learning fun and enjoyable for young kids. The program is carefully designed to engage children, build skills fast, and nurture a love of reading at an early age. This is the best way to set them up for lifelong success in reading and learning – turning them into avid readers!

Children love the funny characters, vibrant animations, catchy songs, and motivating golden egg rewards. The program includes multiple learning areas that focus on different skills, as well as variety of activities and books that keep them hooked from the beginning.

Bonus homeschool resources at your fingertips.

Reading Eggs combines interactive online learning with high-quality offline supplements to ensure children retain what they learn. The family dashboard includes over 500 printable worksheets that correspond with each of the lessons in the program.

The worksheets can be printed and are easy for children to use. Parents can also access helpful lesson ideas and activity suggestions to try at home. This is a great way to support your child’s understanding on each concept and skill in a practical, hands-on way.

What skills are covered in the Reading Eggs program?

Reading Eggs instructs homeschoolers in the five essential components of reading instruction, as outlined by the National Reading Panel. These include:

·         Phonics – each letter of the alphabet is introduced in its own lesson with a focus on reinforcing letter-sound relationships and highlighting the alphabetic principle.

·         Phonetic Awareness – children learn the necessary listening skills to become aware that speech is made up of sounds and that these sounds make words, syllables, and phonemes.

·         Vocabulary – new words are introduced with visual support to provide context and increase word knowledge and retention.

·         Fluency – children develop the rapid word recognition skills essential for reading fluency, including learning to instantly recall crucial sight words that make up 50% of elementary level books.

·         Comprehension – reading for meaning is the end goal of Reading Eggs. The program includes over 3000 eBooks, each with their own comprehension quiz.

There are four separate reading programs included in a Reading Eggs subscription:

·         Reading Eggs Junior for ages 2-4

·         Reading Eggs for ages 3-7

·         Fast Phonics for ages 5-10

·         Reading Eggspress for ages 7-13

Try the Reading Eggs program FREE for 30 Days!

Join 20 million users and see how Reading Eggs can improve your child’s reading skills in just 15 minutes a day. It only takes a few minutes to set up, and you’ll get instant access to hundreds of online lessons, activities, books, and printable worksheets – perfect for your family’s homeschooling needs.

Visit to learn more about the award-winning homeschool reading program from Reading Eggs.

1 comment:

  1. I can attest to Reading Eggs being incredible! All of my children have used it as a supplement to our homeschool curriculum and its one of my all time favorites! Thanks for sharing with the review crew!
