Monday, October 11, 2021

Book-by-Book Bible Breakdowns - Crew Review


Disclaimer: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.

Teach Sunday School offers a wide variety of Bible study tools such as the Book-by-Book Bible Breakdowns. To better understand the Bible, we should study in context each passage and these Bible Breakdowns help us dig deeper with a chapter-by-chapter view of each book in the Bible.

For this review, I was given Bible Breakdowns for the Old Testament and the New Testament. Both provide breakdowns of classic Bible stories with the Bible reference for specific chapter and verse. Each page, or book of the Bible, contains the following information:

·         Number of chapters in the book.

·         Type of book.

·         Date the book was written.

·         Time period the book covers.

·         Author of the book.

·         Breakdown of the book.

·         Popular verses in the book.

These Bible Breakdowns have been a great learning tool for our family. We have used these sheets to study different passages of interest, checking off each box as we complete the study. We simply read the passage aloud and had a family discussion of each passage. I do like how the sheets provide a list of the most popular verses within each book, and think this would be a great tool for working on Bible memory verses within each book.

Visit the Crew Blog to read more reviews from the Homeschool Review Crew.

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