Monday, June 10, 2019

Graduation Day

Brieanna, when you were born, graduation day seemed a million moons away. I look at you now and see a beautiful, confident, young woman ready for the adventures that await; but I also see my little girl.

As I look back over these seventeen years, words cannot express the pride and love in my heart. I recall our bedtime stories and now I see your love for reading, whether it’s curling up with a good book or volunteering at the Kountze Public Library. I recall the days you loved to dress up in your princess clothes and even now you still love dressing up, whether its for prom or a dance performance. I recall your curiosity and love for learning, in fact, you started Kindergarten at age 4 because you kept asking to do school and now I see your academic accomplishments as you graduate with a 4.0 grade point average and you still have a love for learning because you are eager to attending Lamar University for a Bachelor of Science in Theatre and Dance.

You are my beautiful ballerina; but your beauty goes much deeper, you have a heart to serve the Lord, and I pray that you will continue to acknowledge Him in all your ways. Our homeschool journey has been a blessing and today we are reaping what we’ve sown for the past 13 years. I pray that you will continue to seek Him first, praise his name in the dance; but above all, whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

I am so thankful for these seventeen years. As you accept your diploma, remember your high school graduation marks the end of one chapter but there is so much more to your story yet to be written. I love you to the moon and back!

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