Your life as a homeschool mom is a whirlwind of changing seasons that can just as easily exhaust as exhilerate you. Today, I would like to share my top five favorites and invite you to join me at the Summer Summit on August 3, 2019 at Midway Baptist Church in Kountze, Texas.
1. Summit Sessions
The four session of the Summer Summit are faith, friendships, food, and fun. During the faith session, we will learn about the Balance Between Homeschooling and Homemaking, as well as some 30-minute meal tips and tricks entitled Plan, Prep, Prosper. During the friendship session, moms will have the opportunity to ask and answer questions to encourage one another and learn from each other's challenges. During the food session, a luncheon will be served with chicken salad on crossaint, potato soup, cookie, and iced tea. During the fun session, moms will have the opportunity to have fun, play a game or two, and win prizes.
2. Summit Shoppe
I love being able to purchase curriculum at the Summit Shoppe at discount prices! Attendees may shop during check-in, luncheon, and check-out. Visit our Summer Shoppe for BJU Press, Apologia, Usborne Books, Chalk Couture, Tupperware, Quilted Cabins, and more!
3. Take-Home-Tote
Each mom in attendance receives a take-home-tote filled with goodies! So many companies and publishers have contributed to these totes - IEW, Progeny Press, Memoria Press, My Father's World, Sub Zero, Tabbies, Notgrass History, Glue Dots, Christian Liberty Press, Beautiful Feet Books, Practical Homeschooling, BJU Press, Teaching Textbooks, Lee Products Company, and more!
4. Door Prizes
Our door prize table is always a hit and huge blessing! The past couple years, each mom in attendance went home with a door prize! So many people have donated a door prize for free advertisement in the program - IEW ($50 gift certificates), Progeny Press ($20 gift certificate), Memoria Press (First Form Latin), BJU Press, Apologia, and more!
5. Mom Time
As any mom can attest, we tend to get so focused on others that we neglect ourselves; and that's not good for anyone. We need to be with other homeschool moms - for that occasional grown-up conversation. REGISTER today to attend the Summer Summit for $30 and join moms just like you to celebrate the homeschool journey together!