Monday, November 13, 2017


Sound for Life, LTD can help people with auditory processing and sensory integration with their product FORBRAIN. The purpose of FORBRAIN is to amplify sound transmission through bone conduction. A user improves perception of his own voice due to bone conduction headphones equipped with a high sensitivity microphone. As FORBRAIN sits on the temples leaving the ears unblocked, it allows the user to continue to perceive surrounding sounds normally. An individual can not only concentrate on their own voice without cutting out external sounds but also learn to efficiently focus on relevant sounds. The user can listen to and communicate normally with other people.

While bone conduction facilitates good self-listening, the message emitted by the voice provides a sound of good quality! FORBRAIN is equipped with a dynamic filter that reacts to the intensity of the voice. The user hears her own voice filtered with alternating contrast. This shifting of sound or alteration will occur mainly during the beginning of speaking words and long vowels, the clear sounds that are strongly involved in the construction of language. By hearing and choosing this new perception of sounds, the user instantly and unconsciously significantly improves the quality and rhythm of her voice.

In addition, this alternating filter is designed to amplify high frequencies and simultaneously diminish low frequencies. As a result, this dynamic filter accentuates the transmission of high frequency harmonics which play a fundamental role in cortical stimulation and increased energy. The dynamic filter improves not only the user’s hearing, but also the user’s entire vestibular system, managing motion, core stability, motor planning, balance, and spatial orientation. The result? Clearer vocal quality, improved listening, and increased confidence.

When a child is struggling in an area we always want to run to the experts, but that doesn’t always have to be the answer. This headset is a new way to improve attention and speech at home. Just use it 20 minutes a day for at least 6 weeks and you will not believe your ears. My youngest daughter has a hearing loss and was excited to hear her voice. I noticed even when she was speaking without the headset on she was always aware of how she pronounced her words. I, too, live with a hearing loss, and I was amazed to hear how loud my voice was through the headset. After using the headset, I have been more self-conscious of my speech and try not to talk loud; but still have a tendency to speak loud when in a crowd because I cannot hear well in crowds. I highly recommend this headset for anyone in speech or anyone living with a hearing loss.

FORBRAIN can be used for not only the user’s speech, but also for improvement in short-term memory, focus, learning disabilities, ADHD, ADD, sensory processing disorder, and even to polish up your singing. Use your voice to boost your brain! 

Visit the Crew Blog to read what the Homeschool Review Crew has to say about FORBRAIN.


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