Sunday, February 19, 2017

Multiplication Tips and Tricks

Here are some multiplication tips and tricks to help you and your students remember multiplication facts.

Best Tip
Every multiplication has a twin, which may be easier to remember. For example, if you forget 8x2, you may be able to remember 2x8=16. This way, you only have to remember half of the table.

Tricks by Number
2 - add the number to itself. For example, 2x9 = 9+9 = 18.

4 - double and double again. For example, 4x9, double 9 = 18, double 18 = 36.

6 - when you multiply 6 by an even number, they both end with the same digit. For example, 6x2=12, 6x4=24, 6x6=36, etc.

7x8 - think 5, 6, 7, 8. 56=7x8.

8 - double, double, double! For example, 8x6, double 6 = 12, double 12 = 24, double 24 = 48.

9 - is 10 times the number minus the number. For example, 9x6 = 10x6-6 = 60-6 = 54.

10 - put a zero after it. For example, 10x2 = 20.

Happy Homeschooling!

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