Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Time Management

So many people ask me "How do you do all that you do?" And my answer is quite simple "I am a planner". I have used good time management skills for years and would love to share how I do all that I do as well as how I reestablish my priorities through time management.

#1 Plan in detail - I have a datebook and write everything down in it (church, school, dance, soccer, piano lessons, meetings, doctor appointments, weekly infusions, etc.). I've found that the more you plan, the better you manage your time and the more you achieve.

If you use a datebook faithfully every week, you can quickly develop a habit of planning. Color coding your activities can help you identify time problems early and help you reestablish priorities. Try using these colors: Blue for church commitments, Red for family activities, Green for work commitments, Purple for personal time, Pink for doctor appointments, and Black for housework.

#2 Create a daily "to do" list - Keep your list in your datebook. Remember, writing things down relieves the stress of trying to remember everything!

#3 Develop a routine - The experts say "Trying to do the same thing at the same time every day conserves and generates energy. It conserves energy by cutting down on indecision. You perform menial tasks by rote. It generates energy through habit - the habit of expecting to make phone calls, plan the meal, read the paper, attend a class, or go to a meeting - at a particular time." Try to put as many tasks as possible into a routine.

#4 Keep moving - Remember the principle of momentum "A body at rest tends to remain at rest, and a body in motion tends to remain in motion." Keep moving and you can cross off one more thing off your "to do" list!

#5 Say no - Learn to say "no" to things that do not directly pertain to your priorities.

Unless you plan, you cannot manage your time. So "Plan Your Work & Work Your Plan"!

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