Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Wise Up - Crew Review


Disclaimer: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.

Wise Up from Positive Action Bible Curriculum is an academic curriculum for middle school students to gain insight for the Christian life from the book of Proverbs. This study seeks to establish students soundly in the Word of God so they can find answers for themselves. Students are presented with material that will help them comprehend, analyze, and derive personal application in line with God’s Word. Lessons help students progress through deeper levels of thought:

Knowledge – learning basic facts.

Comprehension – understanding concepts and ideas; recognizing allusions and patterns.

Analysis – thinking through the implications of new information.

Discernment – perceiving truth from revealed facts and concepts.

Evaluation – drawing conclusions; interpreting values to form personal decisions.

Application – using the information learned; applying truth to life.

The lesson content in the Teacher’s Manual can help you prepare and present the truths of this study to your students. The Teacher’s Manual provides a suggested weekly schedule, scripture memorization report sheet, teacher’s lectures, testing material, and answer key. The study includes thirty-five lessons – one for each week in an average school year. Each lesson includes target truths, teaching strategy, additional teaching suggestions, and teacher’s lesson.

Throughout the years, I have learned that it is necessary to spend time teaching my students how to apply God’s Word to their everyday lives. God’s Word is alive and should be evident in our lives. This curriculum was a launch pad for discussion with my children (high school through college) and as a parent I am so blessed to see them share their biblical knowledge with others (even in college when professors and students want to challenge their faith).

Wise Up provides adequate material and variety to keep Bible class both interesting and profitable. Visit the Crew Blog to read more reviews from the Homeschool Review Crew.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Triad Math - Tier 1


Today, thanks to new amazing 21st Century technologies, there is a Six Tier Math Program that homeschool parents can deliver to their children that is vastly superior from other online or video-based math programs. For only $29 per month, you get unlimited access to Tiers 1-6 and this includes enrollment for your entire family! Each lesson includes a pre-test, printable notes, a video lesson, printable exercises, and a post-test. In Tier 1, Dr. Del presents the following math curriculum:

TI 30XA Scientific Calculator

The TI 30XA is an inexpensive, yet powerful, calculator. The lessons in Tier 1 teach your student how to get the most out of this calculator, covering topics ranging from basic operations (addition, subtraction, etc.) and storing numbers in memory to working with fractions and trigonometry operations (SIN, COS, TAN).


Pre-Algebra is a great foundation for your student to create a solid future in mathematics. This tier explains the basic rules for addition, multiplication, and the distributive law, as well as explaining fractions, squares, square roots, reciprocals, exponents, and other topics crucial to understanding higher level mathematics.

The student is expected to work along with Dr. Del while watching the video and fill in the notes provided with that video. Then the student works exercises until they understand the topic. In math, you either understand it or you don’t. There is no such thing as sort of understanding it. This takes time and repetition which varies for each student. This is why self-pacing is critically indispensable. The student then takes a short quiz to verify they understand the topic. Then they move on to the next topic. And, all of this is recorded in the student’s record which you can review any time. If a student works hard and watches the video at least three times and still cannot understand the topic, then Dr. Del will give the student an online tutoring session, or create a supplementary video on that topic. There is no extra charge for this. His goal is for any student to succeed and excel in this Six Tier Math Program!

Claim your FREE $47 gift compliments of My Happy Homeschool and Triad Math!

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Help! How Do I Homeschool on a Budget?


I think we can all agree that given unlimited funds to put towards homeschooling, we would have no problem spending it. Unfortunately, that’s simply not the case, and most homeschool families are living off one income. The good news is that you can homeschool on a budget. Here are some ways to save:

Shop the Sales – Most Publishers have at least one sale a year, if not more. Check their websites to get on their mailing lists, this is where most companies announce their sales first! You can also save a lot of money by shopping the sales at homeschool conventions, this is where most companies offer a discount plus free shipping.

Purchase Used Curriculum – If you’ve already decided on what curriculum you want to use, there are many homeschool stores where you can find gently-used or discounted curriculum. Many homeschool groups also set up curriculum fairs for the sale or swap of used curriculum.

Consider Multi-Level Programs – Core classes like math and grammar are grade specific, but classes like history and science can be taught together. For example, you can teach K-6 science to all your elementary students using Apologia curriculum, and you can teach history to all your students using Mystery of History curriculum. You can even save money by purchasing only one textbook for the whole family to use, no need for multiple textbooks when everyone can share.

Re-Use Curriculum – Many people worry about the cost of homeschooling on one income when they have multiple children. One simple way to reduce the cost of curriculum is to take care of the curriculum you have already purchased. Instead of writing directly in the textbook, use notebooks to record answers. This will ensure the next child can get as much use out of it.

Use the Library – If you’re using a literature-based curriculum, you don’t have to purchase every book when you can check it out at the library for free. Most libraries provide historical fiction, biographies, grade-level readers, and more!

Surf the Web – The internet provides a wealth of free resources. Whether it be eBooks, math worksheets, or reading comprehension questions, if you are willing to search the internet, you can save money.

With increasingly difficult economic times, many homeschool families have limited funds; but if you are willing to do some research to find the sales, freebies, or used curriculum stores, you CAN homeschool on a budget.

Happy Homeschooling!

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Homeschool Methods: Eclectic Homeschooling


If you are new to homeschooling, some the terms other homeschoolers use and the different homeschool methods they refer to may leave you with even more questions; but no worries. I will help you navigate through the different methods of homeschooling so you can choose the method best for your family.

Eclectic Homeschooling is a highly individualized education method resulting from mixing multiple homeschooling methods. Eclectic homeschoolers see value in a variety of homeschool methods. When you combine the educational goals you have for your children with your observations of their strengths, learning styles, and interests, you are able to mix the curriculum and resources that will fulfill both.

Here are some curriculum considerations for eclectic homeschooling:

Positive Action Bible Curriculum:


Bright Ideas Press (Mystery of History):

Notgrass History:

Beautiful Feet Books:

Institute for Excellence in Writing:

Progeny Press Study Guides:

Teaching Textbooks:

Modern Curriculum Press:


The Critical Thinking Co:

ARTistic Pursuits:

Zeezok Publishing (Music Appreciation):

There are many different homeschooling methods – Traditional Homeschooling, Classical Homeschooling, Charlotte Mason Homeschooling, Unit Study Homeschooling, and Eclectic Homeschooling – and I hope these posts help you find the best method for you and your family.

Happy Homeschooling!

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Homeschool Life Magazine - Summer 2021


The Homeschool Life Magazine Summer 2021 issue has been published; and you can use coupon code: myhappyhomeschool to receive 50% off the Summer 2021 issue! This coupon expires on June 14, 2021 so be sure to get this deal and be sure to enter for the curriculum giveaway!

The Homeschool Life Magazine mission is to publish articles that will empower, enrich, and encourage homeschool families. Check out the articles in the Summer 2021 issue -

Learning Styles: The Kinesthetic Learner

Hands-on History: Development of Writing

Edible Experiments: Kool-Aid Rock Candy

Finding Strength in Your Child's Weakness

The Case for Year-Round Homeschooling

How to Teach Your Child to Read

Career Exploration: Being a Lawyer

Preschool Theme Day: In Summer

Free College Can Be a Reality

Raising Children in Christlike Character: Courage

Curriculum Considerations

How to Start a Book Club

Help! How Do I Balance Homeschooling and Homemaking?

Getting to the Root of Sibling Competition

Unit Study: On the Farm

Virtual Field Trip: NASA

What is the Fruit of Your Home?

So many articles that will empower, enrich, and encourage you in your homeschool journey! Follow the Homeschool Life Magazine on Facebook! And be sure to use coupon code: myhappyhomeschool to receive 50% off the Summer 2021 issue!