Exploring creationwith General Science 3rd Edition from
Apologia is a creation-based general science course. For this
review, I was given the basic set which includes textbook, solutions manual, test
packet, and student notebook. This course is designed to teach students the art
of studying independently while mastering in-depth knowledge of general
scientific concepts. This course introduces and explores the scientific method
through the study of Earth science, including astronomy, geology, paleontology,
meteorology, oceanography, and environmental science. It also covers general
biology, chemistry, and physics. Hands-on experiments are included throughout
the course, giving students practical experience as they discover the
principles behind science and learn how to record and report data. Presented in
a conversational format, the author, Sheri Seligson, walks students through how
to complete experiments, how to identify important parts of information they read,
and how to take notes. Students learn to see God’s hand in all of life as they
learn about the world He made. Students also read testimonies from modern-day
scientist who interpret data through a Christian worldview. If students follow
the lesson plan, they will complete the course in 33 weeks with lessons
assigned 4 days per week.
The solutions manual contains the solutions to the study
guide for each module, as well as the solutions to the test for each module.
The test packet includes 13 tests for one student with a variety of matching,
fill-in-the-blank, multiple choice, and short answer questions. The
spiral-bound student notebook is designed to help your student develop
organizational and independent study skills. The notebook contains a daily
schedule, note-taking pages, graphic organizers, and space to answer the “On
Your Own” study questions, as well as lab report forms for each experiment in
each module that walks students through the process of writing complete lab
Our family has used the high school courses through
Apologia, along with their video instructions, and I must say, I missed not
having the video instructions for the experiments, and plan to order this
supplemental product before we work through more modules because the video
instruction enhances student’s education. The video content includes
on-location videos, animations, instructor explanations, experiments, and more.
My pictures below are not the best, as they were taken from my phone, but we
had enjoyed experiment 1.2 and learning about chemical reactions. We needed
three tarnished pennies with a good coating of copper oxide, well we used what
we had, and we were still able to see what happened to the part of the penny
that was exposed to lemon juice. Then we exposed the pennies to salt and water,
which caused another chemical reaction to occur by helping the copper in the
pennies to react again with the oxygen in the air, which starting causing the
pennies to tarnish again.
Exploring Creation with General Science encourages students
to keep a lifelong passion for exploring God’s creation. Visit the
Crew Blog to read what the Homeschool
Review Crew has to say about Exploring Creation with General Science 3
Edition from Apologia.